Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Management of Information Technology Services
Question: Write an essay about the "Management of Information Technology Services". Answer: Introduction Information Technology Service Management is mainly defined as the activities those are mostly directed by the structured and organized in processes and supporting procedures those are implemented by a company in terms of planning, designing, operating as well as controlling the services of Information Technology offered to the consumers (Alexander 2013). It can often be equated with the ITIL; even though variety of standards and frameworks are there those can contribute to the entire ITSM discipline. The execution of the processes of IT Service Management in a company, especially those processes those are more workflow-driven. In addition, these processes can also become advantageous significantly from being supported with specialized tools of software. On the other hand, ITIL is mainly a set of practices or such a tool of ITSM that actually aims on the alignment of the IT services with the business requirements. This particular report is mainly implemented in order to shed light on the ITIL adoption strategies of HBZS Mining Rescue Services in terms of IT Service Management (Ali, Soomro and Brohi 2013). Therefore, this particular report has demonstrated a critical awareness regarding the importance as well as the significance of the IT Service Management and the requirement for HBZS Mining Rescue Services to assure that the effective strategies are in place for managing the significant investment in the IT infrastructure. On the other hand, this report is also aimed for demonstrating the potential for comprehending as well as evaluating the associated roles and responsibilities, activities and objectives for enabling the effective improvement, management and planning of the processes of IT service. In addition, in order to accomplish the objectives of this particular report, the ongoing IT Service Management processes are aimed to be analyzed in this report in the context of HBZS Mining Rescue Services. This report is also aimed to provide a view regarding th e future improvements to ITSM at HBZS Mining Rescue Services. On the other side, this particular report based on ITSM, is aimed to analyze the service transition phase as well as aimed to provide a view regarding the critical transition processes of HBZS Mining Rescue Services. Furthermore, this report is also aimed to illustrate the service operation processes followed by HBZS Mining Rescue Services in order to adopt ITIL strategies. It is also focuses on to provide some suggestions regarding the limitations as well as the benefits of outsourcing only service desk while managing the other functions of the internal IT department in order to mitigate the issues associated with outsourcing. On the other hand, this report is also aimed to discuss the Continual Service Improvement in terms of current service reporting in place as well as how it can be extended in future. Apart from that, this report also focuses on the press of fostering the business-OT partnership at all the levels of the operations of HBZS Mining Rescue Services. Company Background HBZS Mining Rescue Services is a prime mining organization in the Czech Republic. It is the only hard coal producer in the country with the annual production of near about 8-9 million tonnes from 4 mines with 23 shafts with the extraction of coal from the depths which is ranging from the 600 (Cyber Fox 2016). This organization mines its coal in the Karvinas Basin in the Upper-Silesiancoal basins Southern part (Cyber Fox 2016). On the other hand, the organization manufactures thermal coal as well as quality coking for the energy and steel markets in Central Europe. HBZS Mining Rescue Services can control the subsidiary, OKD that can pursue in relation to the coal mining (Cyber Fox 2016). It is the biggest employers in the Moravian-Silesian Region. On the other hand, HBZS Mining Rescue Services is the second biggest private employer in Czech Republic. On average 11000 people in 2011 worked for the organization. The primary responsibility of HBZS Mining Rescue Services is the rescue of materials as well as workers from the underground or from the environment that is non-breathable like underwater (Cyber Fox 2016). In addition, people have a huge range of ancillary commercial activities. This organization mainly gives a non-stop emergency service. Ongoing ITSM at HBZS ITSM or the Information Technology Service Management is defined as the entire activities those are simply directed by several specific policies as well as structured and organized in the processes and supporting procedures as well those are performed by a company or the part of a company for designing, planning, delivering, operating and controlling IT services those are offered to the consumers (Barafort, Di Renzo and Merlan 2012). On the other hand, Information Technology Infrastructure Library or ITIL is defined as the set of practices for ITSM or the Information Technology Service Management that aims on the alignment of the IT services with the requirements of business (Borghoff and Pareschi 2013). ITIL mainly demonstrates the checklists, tasks, procedures as well as processes those are not specific in terms of organization. However, it can easily be applied by a company in order to establish integration with the strategy of the company, maintaining a minimum competency level a s well as delivering value. In case of HBZS Mining Rescue Services, at the very first phase of the ITIL adoption, this organization has selected an ITIL adoption approach that is based on tools assuming that organized processes supported by their tools would save both of the resources as well as time. Moreover, they have managed for implementing six processes of ITIL in a short time. These processes are the knowledge management, configuration management, Service Asset, Change Management, Request Fulfillment as well as Incident and Event Management (Chauhan, Raman and Singh 2013). This particular phase has provided a solid base for the future even though this particular phase was mainly IT internal oriented. However, there is a major as well as a crucial constraint has been obtained in this particular phase of the ITIL adoption. It was not the lack of IT staff skills or the resources. The major as well as essential constraint was low maturity of business. IT was not yet considered as a business partners despite all the objectives those HBZS Mining Rescue Services had reached. On the other hand, during the second phase of the ITIL adoption in the business operation of HBZS Mining Rescue Services, a change in the upper management has meant a new scope of improvement (Cots, Casadess and Marimon 2014). Therefore, the IT department consequently has faced few new challenges: these are as follows: First of all, IT department of HBZS Mining Rescue Services has failed for explaining properly to the new management regarding the IT operations (Cox 2013). It was quite obvious that the IT department of HBZS Mining Rescue Services concentrated too much in the on the explanation of technical aspects of their work those were incomprehensible to the rest of the business operations. Secondly, the management change was a significant scope for changing their strategy of communication as well as for achieving a partnership with the business (Dahlstrom, Walker and Dziuban 2013). On the other hand, the business of HBZS Mining Rescue Services has also perceived the IT departments activities widely within the organization, homogeneous fashion. In addition, the IT department of HBZS Mining Rescue Services was paralyzed by the disputes of competency (Davenport 2013). The individual departments of HBZS Mining Rescue Services had mainly conflicted the necessities as well as the IT department was asked for resolving it. The management department of HBZS Mining Rescue Services wants the business for accepting the responsibility to set requirements as well as priorities as the conflict management is not the role of IT. Now the major concern of HBZS Mining Rescue Services should be to discover the techniques through which the Information Technology Service Management of the organization can be improved. In order to do so, additional processes of ITIL should be adopted by HBZS Mining Rescue Services as well as the existing processes should also be improved (Davenport 2013). Both of the mentioned remedies can be applied on the ITSM of HBZS Mining Rescue Services. In this situation, the most effective improvement on the ITIL strategies can be implemented by establishing the Digital Service Catalogue within the ITSM strategies of HBZS Mining Rescue Services (Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons 2013). The service catalogue is simply the curated as well as the organized collection of any all the services related to the Information Technology those can be performed by or within an organization. The IT service catalogue or the digital service catalogue is where the IT publishes the services that it mainly offers. F or HBZS Mining Rescue Services, the Digital Service Catalogues would act as the tools of knowledge management for the consultants as well as the employees of this particular organization. It can be done by permitting them for routing their requests regarding and for the services of this organization to the expert or the IT department of the company who has the knowledge regarding the issues encountered in the ITSM operations (Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons 2013). The reasons for which the IT service catalogue should be implemented in order to improve the ITSM operations of the organization are as follows: The IT service catalogue is ITIL compliant. It also improves the customer satisfaction It also improves the IT service department reputation of HBZS Mining Rescue Services It gives effectives as well as efficient channel of engagement for the standard services without or with authorizations. The IT service catalogues can also showcase the service availability for the consumption of business user (Foster and Kesselman 2013). The IT service Catalogues can also improve the opportunities of IT for the service automation that is resulted in the performance of higher service delivery. This particular IT service catalogue tool can resolve all the four challenges: The IT service catalogue or the digital service catalogue can divide the activities of the department of Information Technology in accordance with the activities of business as well as utilizing the terminology of business that made it understandable more easily to the business (Galliers and Leidner 2014). The IT service catalogue can play a significant role in implementing the meetings of regular service review established invaluable channels of communication. On the other hand, this particular tool in the ITIL strategy can also assign tickets from the service desk that is connected to the suitable definition of service within the service catalogue; given metrics those are understandable to the business operations of HBZS Mining Rescue Services (Hesson, Soomro and Geray 2012). Service Transition The major objective of the ITIL Service Transition of HBZS Mining Rescue Services is for building as well as deploying the IT services in the business operations of the organization. The major feature of service transition in the business operations of HBZS Mining Rescue Services is for ensuring that the changes to the service management processes as well as services are continued in a well-coordinated and well-organized manner (Iden and Eikebrokk 2014). On the other hand, Service Transition has built as well as deployed modified or new services in the business operations of HBZS Mining Rescue Services. HBZS Mining Rescue Services has followed several major processes of service transition (Ionita and Gordas 2013). HBZS Mining Rescue Services has mainly implemented the process of service transition as per the ITIL 2011. These major processes are as follows: Change Management Process Objective the major process objective of change management in service transition adopted in the business operations of HBZS Mining Rescue Services is for controlling the lifecycle of all the changes encountered in the IT operations (Marchewka 2014). The prime goal of change management in HBZS Mining Rescue Services is for enabling the advantageous changes to be implemented with the minimum disruption to the services of IT. Change Evaluation Process Objective The prime objective of the change evaluation in the service transition is for assessing the important changes such as the introduction of a substantial or a new service to an existing service of HBZS Mining Rescue Services, before those changes are permitted for proceeding to the next stage in the lifecycle of their business operations (Nurfaizah, Utami, and Arief 2015). Project Management (Transition Support and Planning) Process Objective - the major process objective of the Process Management in the service transition in the IT operations of HBZS Mining Rescue Services is for planning as well as coordinating the resources for deploying a prime release (Picard, Renault and Barafort 2015). It has been done within the predicted quality, time as well as cost estimates of the IT operations of HBZS Mining Rescue Services. Application Development Process Objective the process objectives of the application development in the service transition in the business operation of HBZS Mining Rescue Services is for making available systems as well as applications that can give the necessary functionalities or the features of the IT services of the organization (Renault, Cortina and Barafort 2015). This particular process incorporates the maintenance as well as the development of the custom applications and the product customization as well from the vendors of software. Deployment and Release Management Process Objective The process objective of the deployment as well as the release management in the service transition mechanism of HBZS Mining Rescue Services is for planning, controlling as well as scheduling the release movement for testing and living the environments (Schwalbe 2015). The prime objective of the release management for HBZS Mining Rescue Services is to assure that the live environment integrity is secured and that the exact components are released. Service Testing as well as Validation Process Objective the process objective of the service testing and validation in the service transition process of HBZS Mining Rescue Services is for ensuring that the resulting services as well as the deployed releases fulfill the expectations of customer as well as or verifying that the IT operations of HBZS Mining Rescue Services is capable of supporting the new service (Schwalbe 2015). Configuration Management and Service Asset Process Objective The process objective of the configuration management and service asset is for maintaining information regarding the configuration items necessary for delivering an IT service, incorporating their relationships (Willcocks 2013). Knowledge Management Process Objective the process objective of the knowledge management in the service transition in the IT operations of HBZS Mining Rescue Services is for gathering, sharing as well as storing information and knowledge inside a company (Chao and Chandra 2012). The prime purpose of the knowledge management is for improving the efficiency by minimizing the necessity for rediscovering the knowledge. In the first phase or the service transition phase of ITIL adoption of HBZS Mining Rescue Services can result several issues of operations in other enterprises. In case of this organization, HBZS Mining Rescue Services should follow some critical service transition processes in order to mitigate the probable operational issues associated with the service transition processes in the business operations of the organization (Luftman 2014). These critical processes are simply the improvisation of the service transition processes those are followed by HBZS Mining Rescue Services. The critical transition processes are as follows: Transition Planning and Support With the help of the Transition Planning and Support, HBZS Mining Rescue Services can be able to ensure that the orderly transition of a modified or a new service into the production together with the required adaptations to the processes of service management. It must include the operational requirements and service design as well within the transition planning. the Transition Planning and Support has two sets of objectives. Those are the Coordination and planning as well as Improvement and Standardization (Rathnam, Johnsen and Wen 2015). In case of the Coordination as well as Planning, it can help the organization to coordinate the activities as well as resources across the service teams, suppliers, as well as projects needed to modify successfully an existing service or to introduce new service or to retire a particular service. It also manages risks for minimizing failure chances (Santana Tapia 2012). On the other hand, the improvement and the sta ndardization objectives assure adoption of re-usable and standard supporting systems and processes. It would also improve continually the performance of the stage of service transition of the business operations of HBZS Mining Rescue Services. Thus the well-organized as well as a well-managed process of transition planning and support would deliver several benefits to the IT operations of HBZS Mining Rescue Services. In the activities of service transition, consistency through the usage of the accepted set of models, standards as well as policies. Service Validation and Testing the major objective of the service transition as well as testing is for providing the evidence of objective to the changes or new service support, the requirements of stakeholders, business as well as customer of HBZS Mining Rescue Services (Long 2012). It would be helpful for HBZS Mining Rescue Services to support the Deployment and Release process assuring the suitable testing levels are performed at the time of deployment, build and release activities. It can also be applied over the entire lifecycle for ensuring the quality of any aspect of the services of HBZS Mining Rescue Services. Change Evaluation this particular process should be modified in the service transition process of HBZS Mining Rescue Services by aiming to assess the prime changes such as the introduction of the substantial change or the new service change to the existing IT service before those changes are permitted for proceeding to the next phase in their life-cycle (Lloyd et al., 2014). Release and Deployment Management this process can be improvised as well as modified by building delivering as well as testing the ability for providing the services those are specified by the service design and that would accomplish the requirements of stakeholders and deliver the desired solution (Lloyd et al., 2014). Change Management the modification of the change management in the service transition operation of HBZS Mining Rescue Services would respond to the changing business requirements of the consumers of HBZS Mining Rescue Services (Taylor, Case and Spalding 2015). It would also increase the RFC value as well as minimize the re-work, distribution and incidents. Service Asset and Configuration Management This process in the service transition can ensure that the assets needed for delivering services are controlled properly and that reliable and accurate details regarding those assets is present where and while it is required (Taylor, Case and Spalding 2014). It can also assure that the assets under the control of the HBZS Mining Rescue Services are properly cared, controlled as well as identified across the entire lifecycle. Knowledge Management the modification of the knowledge management system can analyzes, share, store and gather information as well as knowledge within HBZS Mining Rescue Services. It can also improve the efficiency by minimizing the requirement for rediscovering knowledge (Case 2014). Knowledge management is the central process of service transition which is responsible to provide knowledge to all the other processes of IT service management. These critical transition processes are significantly inter-related to the other HBSZ as well as the ITIL processes. These processes have the potential for managing as well as planning the resources and capacity necessary to deploy, test, build and package a release into production. On the other hand, as a part of the ITIL adoption of HBZS Mining Rescue Services, it can provide a rigorous and consistent framework to evaluate the risk profile as well as service capability before a changed or a new service is released in HBZS Mining Rescue Services (Vehvilinen, Hyvnen and Alm 2015). On the other hand, while adopting ITIL, these processes also provide good quality of information and knowledge for expediting effective decisions regarding promoting a release to HBZS Mining Rescue Services. Service Operation The Service Operation in ITIL adoption mainly encompasses the daily infrastructure, processes as well as activities those are responsible to deliver value to the business of HBZS Mining Rescue Services with the help of advanced technology. In the service operation of HBZS Mining Rescue Services, service experience and consumerism is the major factors (Pinard et al., 2012). The objective of the service operation in ITIL adoption of HBZS Mining Rescue Services is for maintaining the daily services to the point that there are no consequences. It also ensures the organization that the IT services are effectively and efficiently delivered. The service operation mainly implements the operational tasks. There are few major processes those are the part of the ITIL stage Service Operation. These are as follows: Event Management the project objective of the event management in the service operation of HBZS Mining Rescue Services is for ensuring the services are monitored constantly as well as for filtering and categorizing events in terms of deciding on the suitable actions (Probst, Case and Elephant 2013). Incident Management the major process objective of the incident management in service operation of HBZS Mining Rescue Services is for managing the lifecycle of all incidents (Mesquida et al., 2012). The prime goal of incident management is for returning the IT service towards the users as soon as possible. Request Fulfillment the process objective of request fulfillment is for fulfilling the service requests that in most of the cases are the requests for information or the minor changes. Access Management The process objective of the access management in service operation of the organization is for granting the authorized users the right for using a service at the time of preventing access to the non-authorized users (Suhairi and Gaol 2013). The processes of access management execute essentially policies demonstrated in the Information Security Management. Sometimes, it is also referred to as the Identity Management or Rights Management. Problem Management the process objective of the problem management in the service operation of HBZS Mining Rescue Services is for managing the lifecycle of all issues. The prime goal of problem management is for preventing the incidents from obtaining and for reducing the incident impact that cannot be prevented (Jntti and Hotti 2015). The Proactive Problem Management also analyzes Incident Records and utilizes data gathered by the other processes of IT service management for identifying significant issues or trends. IT Operations Control the process objective of IT operations control is for controlling and monitoring the IT services and their underlying infrastructure. It also executes routine tasks of daily basis based on the operation of the infrastructure applications and components (Alexander 2013). It also incorporates the routine maintenance, output and print management, restore and back up activities and job scheduling. Facilities Management the process objective of the facilities management is for managing the physical environment of HBZS Mining Rescue Services where the IT infrastructure of the company is located (Ali, Soomro and Brohi 2013). It also incorporates all of the aspect of the management of the physical environment such as environmental monitoring, business access management and cooling and power. Application Management It is actually responsible to manage the applications across their entire lifecycle (Borghoff and Pareschi 2013). Technical Management It gives the technical expertise as well as support for the IT infrastructure management. The current and one of the most effective challenges for the company is the possibility that HBZSs Mining Rescue Services would outsource totally the IT department of the organization. HBZS Mining Rescue Services have confronted with the plans for the entire outsourcing of the IT department due to the coal crisis realization (Borghoff and Pareschi 2013). Thus, at present the most important and critical challenge is unquestionably how to define the IT value of the business. The ITIL framework fortunately is oriented strongly to provide and demonstrate the value and the hope of the company is that the organization would be capable of proving that the internal department of IT of the enterprise is more advantageous. The service desk is a prime IT service inside the IT service Management discipline as demonstrated by the ITIL. It is intended for providing a Single Point of Contact for meeting the requirements of communication of both the IT staff and users (Borghoff and Pareschi 2013). Contract with an outside company for providing the technical support is one of the most widely utilized outsourcing forms. However, if any particular business looking for outsourcing the needs of the help desk services for understanding the limitations as well as the benefits and to set the goals of outsourcing. While the outsourcing is discussed often in financial items, the help desk outsourcing impact is much wider than that. It can also have an influence on the productivity at both of the rank-and-file and management levels while utilized as internal support. An outsourced help desk as a customer service resource can become a major driver of the customer retention as well as customer satisfaction (Chauhan, Raman and Singh 2013). The potential influence of an outsourced help desk in short, for worse or for better is so wide that careful selection and goal-setting can be crucial to the success of HBZS Mining Rescue Services. Hence, in the present scenario of HBZS Mining Rescue Services, there are several benefits as well as limitations of outsourcing only the service desk during the process of the maintaining the other functions of the internal IT department of the organization. Service Desk Outsourcing Advantages The benefits or the advantages of the service desk outsourcing by HBZS Mining Rescue Services are as follows: Financial Leverage the service desk outsourcing for the HBZS Mining Rescue Services minimizes the fixed costs. As a result, it can increase the return on investment of this organization. Focus on Core Competencies the outsourcing of the service help desk of HBZS Mining Rescue Services can free up management for spending more time on the areas where the organization is best positioned for adding the value (Cots, Casadess and Marimon 2014). Flexible Capacity It is one of the most crucial advantages of the Service Help Desk outsourcing for HBZS Mining Rescue Services. The call volume of the service help desk outsourcing can greatly vary for the other reasons as well as the seasonal reasons (Cox 2013). The outsourcing through the service help desk creates flexible potential in order to handle these changes in volume. Continual updating training As this organization, HBZS Mining Rescue Services is specialized in the help desk outsourcings services, thus, this organization are better positioned for keeping training current. Limitations of Service Desk Outsourcing The limitations or the shortfalls of the service desk outsourcing by HBZS Mining Rescue Services are as follows: Loss of Control over training - HBZS Mining Rescue Services may be concerned that few nuances can be lost while the training is outsourced. Lack of concern for the consumers the service help desk of HBZS Mining Rescue Services can become the first line of contact with the customers as well as if representatives are not enough professional, thus it can also badly reflect on this organization (Dahlstrom, Walker and Dziuban 2013). Remote Personnel While the service desk outsourcing can take the benefits of the global potential, a more local touch can ignore the cultural differences. HBZS Mining Rescue Services has mainly outsourced the help desk services in search of the positives to be only blindsided by the negatives. These negatives existence should not turn the company against the outsourcing through service help desk as the advantages are still legitimate. The identification of those potential negatives rather should serve as the initial step to overcoming and managing the obstacles to the outsourcing of the service help desk (Davenport 2013). For accentuating the positive that is realizing the advantages of the outsourcing through service help desk without being overwhelmed by the shortfalls, HBZS Mining Rescue Services should three components to planning a successful program of service help desk. Recognize the basic mission the service help desk through outsourcing should have one of three basic missions such as for providing the support of internal technology; for providing support for the users of business-to-business; or for providing support for the customers (Judy 2013). Set measurable objectives It can begin with the financial objectives like the return on investment but it should encompass also the goals of services (Taylor, Case and Spalding 2015). These might incorporate percentage of situations, average length of call and response time resolved on the initial call, user or customer satisfaction as well as customer retention. Demonstrate the help desk search the goals as well as mission demonstrate the specific goals and wider mission of a program of service desk outsource (Case 2014). Then, these demonstrations should generate the search basis for a outsource provider of service help desk. CSI and Business-IT Alignment The IT department of HBZS Mining Rescue Services has moved from a technological point of view to the service point of view (Vehvilinen, Hyvnen and Alm 2015). Therefore, a formalized process of Continual Service Improvement should be established. HBZS Mining Rescue Services are currently using or following a certain continual Service Improvement process. Continual Service Improvement Process As per the current process of Continual Service Improvement followed by HBZS Mining Rescue Services in terms of adopting ITIL, it can be stated that the process of Continual Service Improvement has used the methods from the quality management in terms of learning from the previous failures as well as the successes of the organization (Suhairi and Gaol 2013). On the other hand, the Continual Service Improvement process mainly focuses on the continual improvement of the efficiency as well as the effectiveness of the processes and services of IT, in line with the continual improvement concept adopted in the ISO 20000. There are several major processes are the part of the ITIL adoption stages of the business operations of HBZS Mining Rescue Services. These are as follows: Service Review In case of this particular process, its process objective in terms of CSI followed by HBZS Mining Rescue Services while adopting ITIL is for reviewing the infrastructure as well as business services on a daily basis (Jntti and Hotti 2015). The major aim of this particular process in Continual Service Improvement is for improving the quality of service where necessary as well as for identifying more economical ways to provide a service where possible. Process evaluation On the other hand, the process projective of this particular process of continual service improvement in HBZS Mining Rescue Services in terms of ITIL adoption is for evaluating the processes in a daily basis (Judy 2013). It also incorporates the recognizing areas where the metrics of the targeted processes are not reached as well as holding regular reviews, maturity assessments, audits and benchmarks as well. Definition of the initiatives of Continual Service Improvement the process objective of the CSI initiatives followed by HBZS Mining Rescue Services while adopting ITIL in the IT services of this company is for defining particular initiatives those are focused on the improvement of the processes as well as services (Iden and Eikebrokk 2014). It is mainly done based on the outcomes of the process evaluations as well as the service reviews. Monitoring of the initiatives of Continual Service Improvement the process objective of this particular process is for verifying of the initiatives of improvement are proceeding in accordance with the plan and for introducing also some corrective as well as rectifying measures where required (Ionita and Gordas 2013). From the above discussion, it can be said that HBZS Mining Rescue Services have utilized an effective model of Continual Service Improvement (CSI) in order to adopt an efficient ITIL strategy. However, there are some areas over which few extensions are required in order to improvise the CSI model of HBZS Mining Rescue Services during the ITIL adoption in future. In this particular scenario of HBZS Mining Rescue Services, the Continual Service Improvement process should aim on the increase in the efficiency of the processes in the ITIL adoption of the company (Marchewka 2014). On the other hand, CSI model of HBZS Mining Rescue Services must be capable of maximizing the cost of services as well as the effectiveness and the efficiency of the services or the process under the ITIL adoption and underlying the processes of IT Service Management as well. Continual Service Improvement is the last stage or phase in the life cycle of ITIL (Nurfaizah, Utami and Arief 2015). There are several im portant activities of the extended Continual Service Improvement Process, those can be followed by HBZS Mining Rescue Services while adopting ITIL. These are as follows: The extended CSI would review the information as well as the trends of management for ensuring that the services are meeting the agreed levels of service. The extended Continual Service Improvement can also review the trends and the information of management for ensuring that the outcomes of the processes of IT Service Management are achieving the intended outcomes (Picard, Renault and Barafort 2015). On the other hand, the extended CSI processes followed by HBZS Mining Rescue Services can also conduct the internal audits by verifying compliance It can also conduct the internal as well as the external reviews of the service for identifying the opportunities associated with the extended Continual Service Improvement followed by HBZS Mining Rescue Services (Renault, Cortina and Barafort 2015). The extended Continual Service Improvement processes followed by HBZS Mining Rescue Services can conduct the maturity assessments against the activities as well as roles of process for highlighting areas of concern or improvement (Schwalbe 2015). On the other hand, it can also review the analyzed data In addition, the extended CSI followed by HBZS Mining Rescue Services in ITIL adoption can also present the recommendations to the senior management in terms of improvement The extended Continual Service Improvement processes in ITIL adoption phase of HBZS Mining Rescue Services can help the improvement opportunities based on the higher priority. In addition, it can also manage as well as deliver cross divisional and cross functional improvement projects. On the other side, the extended Continual Service Improvement Service of HBZS Mining Rescue Services can also build the effective relationships with the IT senior managers as well as the business of HBZS Mining Rescue Services (Willcocks 2013). It can also impact all of the levels of management for ensuring that the activities of service improvement are getting the required support as well as are well-resourced enough for implementing the solutions (Luftman 2014). Business-IT Alignment Business-IT Alignment is simply a dynamic state in that HBZS Mining Rescue Services can be capable of using effectively IT for achieving the objectives of this particular business organization that is typically improved marketplace competitiveness or financial performance. It has mainly ensured the capacity of the organization for demonstrating a positive relationship between the accepted financial measures of performance and the information technology (Willcocks 2013). The IT department of HBZS Mining Rescue Services has a much clearer need understanding of its customers in terms of their Business-IT Alignment. This business has mainly discovered the benefits to communicate with Information Technology. In order to mitigate the issues associated with the business-IT alignment; this organization has to improve the maturity of its business processes (Willcocks 2013). Therefore, for improving the Business-IT alignment ITIL training and certification were important, not only for the meet ings and the discussions with the counterparts of the company in other organizations but for acquiring new knowledge that can permit the company for comparing its experiences and expand also its viewpoints. Conclusions and Recommendations to the IT Manager HBZS Mining Rescue Services have selected the ITIL framework due to the enhancing demands on the IT department that led to the requirement for making the activities of the organization more effective. ITIL framework has also been selected by HBZS Mining Rescue Services in order to structure the activities of the organization in a consistent way was the way forward. However, there are some issues associated with the ITIL adoption techniques as well as the processes. Therefore, there can be some recommendations which can help HBZS Mining Rescue Services to improve its ITIL framework by making few significant modifications on it. These recommending processes or the modifications are as follows: In order to resolve the issues encountered in the operations of the IT department, HBZS Mining Rescue Services should establish a well-organized as well as well-structured service catalogue. This particular tool can mitigate all of the four challenges associated with the ITIL adoption by the IT department of the organization. Dividing the IT department activities in accordance with the business activities as well as using the business terminology has made it understandable easily to the business. In addition, setting the review meetings of daily service can establish the invaluable channels of communication with the help of the establishment of the service catalogue within the ITIL framework. The organizational size is very much important while approaching the main strategic objective of HBZS Mining Rescue Services. Communication between the business as well as IT is a huge issue for each organization. However, it can be expected that it is more sensitive in the SMB like HBZS Mining Rescue Services to the relative maturity of both of the companys IT department as well as the organization. Hence, in this scenario, the establishment of the Continual Service Improvement Process can become significant to overcome this critical issue. HBZS Mining Rescue Services should work out an appropriate communication policy for the operational purposes or in case of the key incidents. In addition, HBZS Mining Rescue Services should keep simple all the strategies of the implementation ITIL framework of the IT department. On the other side, it should be written three times with an exclamation mark. The organization should not hesitate for cutting off anything that is rarely used as well as proves useless. Furthermore, most importantly, communication is the major bridge that can connect all of the activities of the IT department while adopting the ITIL framework. In order to complete the implementation of the ITIL framework, the IT department has to collect as well as share knowledge regarding the ITIL adoption. HBZS Mining Rescue Services should also publicize as well as celebrate the organizations achievements and successes in order to increase their popularity and reputation. The IT department of HBZS Mining Rescue Services should not be over creating while adopting ITIL. The organization should utilize all kinds of possible ways to accomplish the ITIL adoption without any hesitation. 7.2 Conclusion This particular report has successfully provided a view regarding the significant processes of ITIL adoption that can play an effective role in the IT operations of HBZS Mining Rescue Services. First of all, this report on the IT Service Management of HBZS Mining Rescue Services has clearly illustrated the further future improvements those are required over the IT service management at the organization. Thus, a conclusion has been drawn in this scenario that HBZS Mining Rescue Services have to essentially implement additional ITIL processes as well as have to make few crucial and important improvements over the processes of ITIL adoption. On the other hand, in the phase of the service transition can result in several operational issues in other firms. In order to avoid such issues, HBZS Mining Rescue Services have to follow few critical service transition processes which are greatly inter-related to the ITIL as well as the other processes of the organization. In addition, the major c oncern of HBZS Mining Rescue Services is to mitigate the current outsourcing problem. Therefore, this particular report has successfully conveyed all of the limitations as well as the benefits of the service desk which can then specify the way to resolve such issues of outsourcing. Moreover, the IT department of this particular organization has already moved from a technological viewpoint to the service viewpoint. thus, this report has successfully specified the process of establishing Continual Service Improvement Process. On the other hand, most importantly, this report has also shed light on the significance f the extended CSI process by fostering the Business-IT partnership at all the levels of HBZS Mining Rescue Services. 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